Reactive Projection Repair

The Perfect Ceramic Welding


rue des Azalées,3

7331 Baudour - Belgium

Tel : +32 (0)65 760.400

Fax : +32 (0)65 760.409

 Company FIB Services
FIB Services
FIB Services


FIB-SERVICES is a SMI located in Baudour (Belgium).
Since 1992, FIBS markets a unique hot-repair Ceramic Welding Process for coke ovens, glass furnaces, hot blast stoves (cowpers), reheat furnaces / rolling mills as well as other various reactors.
This process called "Reactive projection repair" (R.P.R.?, was the subject of many years of Research and Development to obtain materials of the highest quality which are protected by several international patents .
FIB-Services provides also endoscopic survey at high temperature.


The "Hot" Repair process by Reactive Projection (RPR), is characterized by the IN SITU formation of a ceramic bonding. The refractory mass of the repair is obtained by spraying a mixture comprised of a refractory material and a mixture of reactive powders. On contact with the surface to be repaired, the said reagent generates an exothermic reaction resulting in the formation of a ceramic bonding, a reaction mechanism which is similar to traditional welding. This bonding phase ensures the adherence of the grains comprising the refractory mass, as well as the bond with the surface to be repaired. The mixture to be sprayed, comprised of the refractory material and the mixture of reactive powders, is adapted to suit the site to be repaired.


FIBS provides R.P.R.?Repair and Endoscopic Survey to :

  • Coke Making Industry
  • Steel Industry (Blast Furnaces, Hot Blas Stoves, Rolling Mills)
  • Glass Industry
  • Other Reactors (Cement, Chemical Industry...).


The FIBS patented process presents an alternative to the already existed process.
The application is easily done by the use of a performing, compact and light equipment, giving safety warranties (no moving parts, no electricity, no N2). Our range of products is suitable to various lining to repair and it allows a very large flexibility for repair operations and a rather short delay to respond at the customers' requests.
The last developments of our technology allow us to give our customers a very high satisfaction rating and an extending lifetime for the repaired installations. The endoscopic survey at high temperatures allows a reliable and quick diagnostic "in live" giving also the opportunity of pictures or movies "acquisition". These ones could be afterwards analysed and/or duplicated again. Endoscopy is also used to assist the R.P.R.?repairs in very cheap galifornia golden seals jerseys bad visibility conditions or even with no visibility.

FIBS is leading several R&D projects in collaboration with Research Centers

Main Advantages

Many customers consider FIBS as the better economic choice to extend the refractories life and the productivity of its production tools. A continuous R&D allows customers to enjoy updated equipment

  • high quality of a new product range
  • short reaction time
  • possibility of collaboration agreement
  • ability for innovation
  • skilled people
  • alternative in front of a monopolistic situation


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